
Mohawk Warrior, 1760 from Pegaso

Towards the end of 2019 Pegaso released several new miniatures and amongst them was the Mohawk Warrior...

This figure is 75mm in size and is has metal and resin parts.

The main body, head dress, dagger, and cloth pieces are resin. Tree Stump, base, gun, sword, and gun powder horn are all metal.

The cost of this kit was €45 which I thought was reasonable, the shipping was €9.00 and then tax added on check out of €9.90 pushing the cost up to €63.90 so if you wish to purchase this kit and you are in the UK I suggest trying El Greco Miniatures or Historex Agents to avoid the extra charges.

So let’s take a look at the kit...

The main body is cast in nice quality grey resin and the cast quality is pretty good. The details are all really sharp and well sculpted by Benoit Cauchies; so no complaints there.

However there are mould lines up the inside of each leg where the mould was cut open. This also carries on up the back of the right leg and up over the tunic through the waist band leaving a noticeable mould line.

This I always find to be a little lax by any company as high end models should always have high end quality.

I understand the customer always expects some prep work on a model before painting, but on a model that costs over €50 this should be at a minimum where ever possible.

The smaller resin parts are cast well. The feathered head dress has flash in many places which will require some close detail work to get it to a high standard.

Metal parts always seem to have mould lines but these are very fine.

The gun has a line along the barrel, the sword along the sheath, and the base around the sides but they are all really fine and with a quick scrape and buff will be gone. You can't really see them in the photos as they were hard to photograph.

I am however glad that the torso is resin because prepping metal models is just too much work.

So, with all that out the way let us look at the good points.

Pegaso have had Benoit Cauchies sculpt this one and I am pretty happy with the sculpting. The clothing hangs nicely, the folds are done well, the way the straps cut through the material is also done well with the material bunching up. Looks very nice.

The leather chaps hang nicely and the overlapping edging looks very good too.

The facial features have been sculpted well and look youthful depicting a young Mohawk warrior.

The smaller resin pieces are the ends of a loin cloth which hang from under the tunic have been sculpted with some connecting rods on them to aid in easy location when they are glued in place.

I think the anatomy of the sculpt is great and the features are sculpted nicely. For example; areas such as the fingers. A lot of sculpted miniatures suffer with under sculpted hands and toes but this piece had excellently sculpted details.

Benoit has done a very good job on this piece and when I originally saw this sculpt I instantly loved it. For me it was one of those sculpts I had to have in my collection and I look forward to painting it in the future.

So putting the mould lines aside for a second; you can see this kit is very nicely detailed and the pose if perfect for display painting. I am a big fan of this model and as mentioned the sculpt is great.

I can say that the mould lines have taken some of the sparkle from this kit and should the clean up have been done before shipping I would have given the Mohawk Warrior a glowing review.

But before you think I am being fussy think, about the pedigree Pegaso holds and then think of the quality they portray.

This is still a nice miniature and as said, needs some clean up, but once done I will take pleasure in painting it.

If you would like to check out the Mohawk Warrior head over to Pegaso World at and look in the Old West category. You can also follow their Facebook Page and Instagram for future news.

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