
Into 2021! What are we looking forward to?

What! No review?

Well...honestly...not this time. We thought we would take a brief look over what has frankly been one of the strangest and most disruptive years for everyone, both in and out of the hobby community. And then try, with a bit of positivity, to go through some things we can hopefully look forward to in the New Year.


I don't want to dwell too much on what has gone on throughout the year because frankly, and in many ways for everyone around the World, it has been pretty crappy in general. Though some have been able to keep going and be really productive in their hobby. So let's talk a bit of hobby stuff.

On one hand there has been...
  • Many show cancellations to the point that I can only think of a handful which have happened,
  • Closed shops for those who are lucky enough to have local brick and mortar hobby shops nearby,
  • Painfully low motivation for many.
On the other hand...
  • There has been more online competitions take place,
  • Some online stores have seen quite an increase in sales,
  • A crazy amount of people making the most of their time, really churning out loads of projects and sharing their work on various online platforms,
  • Books released by a few of the communities top creative forces, 
  • Us getting to 1 year old and 98 articles published (including this one)!

So plenty of pros and cons.

We toyed with showing our favourite reviews of the year...but that's a hell of a lot to go through and try to decide on a few. So we haven't. But hopefully you've read a few or would like to share your favourite miniatures from the last twelve months.

And so...lets look forward towards...

Now where do I begin?

Yep. You read that right. We have a few guest reviewers coming on board. Now this doesn't mean a massive increase in the amount of reviews we will be putting out, or at least not to begin with. Essentially it'll mean we can build up some extra reviews written by others who may have views differing to Norm and myself. Plus there are some other factors too:
  • reviewing does actually take up time with everything involved,
  • budget. There are only so many miniatures we can actually get to review. Even with the many generous donations we've had from various companies,
  • other people have different connections, collections, and taste in miniatures,
  • the big B. Yup...Brexit. Norm and myself are both in the UK and cannot even begin to guess at what is to come in regards to international shipping after January 1st. And so we have a couple of people outside of the UK too. Bonus.
We want to keep bringing weekly reviews to you for free because the hobby can feel a bit expensive at times. And we would prefer you to be able to buy miniatures that you really want to paint and collect from the people who create them (or an official stockist).

Roman Lappat's Miniature Art book!

Some already have their copy (like myself...sorry, not sorry). Honestly, as soon as I found out this was happening, Kyle (Mr Lee's Minis boss) knew I was excited about it. Don't think I hid it too well.

Some will have hopefully had it for Christmas or have it before New Years thanks to current worldwide postage issues.

Some may have thought "what does it mean by "vol.1?""...and that is what gets me excited. So I'll be keeping my fingers crossed to see a vol.2 or maybe even more. Will just have to wait and see.


Dammit if there was something I've really been slack on it has to be going to shows. Up until 2020 my experiences were Games Workshop's Games Day back in the late 90's as a member of staff and Salute for the past four or five years. Not really anything to shout about.

2020 was meant to get me to a few more as part of the Mr Lee's Minis team. This would've meant my first international show at World Model Expo but we all know what happened and won't talk more about it. Positive thoughts here please. Still...we managed the first Iron Skull show before everything went a bit South.

So fingers are firmly crossed that some shows happen once it's safer. Mainly so that I can finally make it to the beast known as Scale Model Challenge (always hear that it is amazing), and hopefully meet people that I've been chatting away to online. Maybe even get to see your painting in person too. That would be ace.

More minis!

I cannot lie. I'm always excited to see new miniatures but early next year will bring a few that take me back to finding out what fantasy was and tie in to one of my favourite films.

Yes...Labyrinth. And I cannot wait to have them, but at the same time don't want them rushed at the cost of quality.

Seeing the result of a long projects, successful Kickstarters, and having some of my favourite characters as excellent miniatures really has me looking forward to 2021.

Speaking of Kickstarters; Durgin Paint Forge had their highly successful 3rd Kickstarter this year with the Elves of Inneath. This is aiming to fulfil towards the end of 2021 but those who went for the digital option will hopefully be printing soon. Frankly I'm looking forward to seeing more painted from this range. Especially the Little Summoner who is seriously sweet and has a Ghibli feel.

These aren't the only miniatures I'm excited about. Some I've seen but cannot say and the rest I haven't seen yet. But I'm certain there are going to be many incredible miniatures in all kinds of scales and sizes.


(image copyright of Games Workshop) 

Hope you were sitting down as I'm often known to have some unpopular views in regards to the big Gdub. But here we are.

Yes...much like many of you and many others I know, I'm actually hoping to get some gaming in next year. Primarily Blood Bowl with a local friend and yes I'll be using the Elven Union team (and likely dying lots), but also Kill Team with the others at Mr Lee's Minis which we started building this year.

It would be nice to get some Infinity in too, or at least Infinity Code One. Infinity Defiance would be really cool as that is starting to be delivered now too. Shame I couldn't go for the Kickstarter at the time.

And lastly...


I have so many projects in mind and doing these reviews really does play havoc with focusing on a project without getting...ooh that's nice!

But with this year being pretty unproductive for me, I would seriously like to complete a few really nice looking projects that I feel happy with and enjoy the process of doing. Bit less pressure to try and push myself and much more playing about and experimenting a bit. Or at least that's the aim.

What about you?

Any plans and hopes for 2021 in regards to your hobby?

Keeping it simple or going for something to really get your teeth into?

Let us know what you're up to and especially if it's with a product you've found though GMR.

And finally...

I have to say an absolutely huge thank you to you all.
Everyone who has read an article or if you've read them all (I doubt anyone has though, being realistic).
Every company and individual who has trusted us enough to send a sample of your hard work for us to dissect and talk about (we couldn't do this without your support).
And all those who have given us feedback, pointed out typos, and kept us motivated to keep going...

Thank you.

We hope you've had an excellent Christmas or whatever you celebrate and however you celebrated.

The very best wishes for the New Year and all of 2021.

If you do have a product which you would like us to review then please feel free to send us a message via the Contact Form on the Support GMR page or at the bottom of the page. 

And if you're ever feeling that we have earned a coffee or small bar of chocolate for our effort you can donate via this button.

See you in 2021 and don't drink Norm's painting water (it's his favourite drink).

Want to support GMR?
Have a product you would like us to review? Contact us and we'll be happy to talk.
If you would like to buy us a coffee or Donate to the running of GMR, anything is greatly appreciated.

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